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CRL House Rules

  1. Reservation should be made two (2) days in advance via Google Form: https://forms.gle/nwt9Uvm4yQtt8obM8.
  2. Adviser or Project Leader should supervise their own graduate students or RAs. Any work outside the scope of the research work is strictly prohibited.
  3. No software should be installed without permission from the coordinator.
  4. Always keep the laboratory clean. Smoking, eating, and drinking are prohibited inside the laboratory.
  5. Avoid generating noise that may disturb other offices and classes.
  6. Take care of and be responsible for all properties, equipment, and furnishings in the laboratory.
  7. Inform the Administrative Office regarding necessary repairs in the room.
  8. Management will not be liable for any loss or damages to your personal belongings.
  9. When you are done with your experiments, be sure to transfer your code and data to a code repository.
  10. Shut down your own PC after use. If you need to run your code overnight, be sure to leave a note on your monitor and check your results at the earliest time the next day.
  11. Switch off air conditioners unless there are PCs running (indicated with a note on the monitor).
  12. Do not unplug any electrical equipment.
  13. The room must be locked after use and return the key to the coordinator.
  14. Any results generated using CRL facilities should be acknowledged in thesis, publication, and/or presentation as follows:
    “Numerical results of this work were generated at the Computational Research Laboratory of the Institute of Mathematics, University of the Philippines Diliman.”