Home / Programs / Professional Master’s in Applied Mathematics (Actuarial Science)

Professional Master’s in Applied Mathematics (Actuarial Science)

The Professional Master’s in Applied Mathematics (Actuarial Science) program is intended primarily for students who would like to pursue an actuarial career. Upon completing the program, students will be able to:

  1. perform mathematical and/or statistical computations using appropriate technologies in the analysis of data;
  2. demonstrate mastery on actuarial modeling;
  3. demonstrate skills in generalization, critical analysis, problem-solving and synthesis; and
  4. exhibit the core set of knowledge in actuarial science needed in practice.

The program aims to give students practical advanced education needed by the industry and to foster closer partnership with industry in the form of actual problems incorporated into their course work. It also prepares the students in taking their actuarial professional exams, such as the Actuarial Society of the Philippines (ASP) exams and/or the Society of Actuaries (SOA) Exams.

The program has been recognized by the Society of Actuaries as a member of the Universities and Colleges with Actuarial Programs (UCAP) since 2020.