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Master of Science (Applied Mathematics)

The Master of Science in Applied Mathematics Program is designed for students seeking training in applied mathematics to pursue a career in the academe or in research and development in industry. Its curriculum is designed in such a way that graduates of this program are equipped with enhanced mathematical, analytical and critical thinking skills to solve complex problems in life and physical sciences, mathematical finance, etc. The program also provides the students with a solid mathematical foundation for doctoral studies in mathematics or related fields.

The program has four tracks:

  • Mathematical Finance (MF)
  • Mathematics in Life and Physical Sciences (MLPS)
  • Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations (NADE)
  • Optimization and Approximation (OA)

The MSAM program aims to provide and equip the students:

  1. the expertise in formulating and analyzing mathematical models. In particular, the application of mathematical methods to problems in life and physical science, finance, and other related disciplines.
  2. sufficient knowledge in the underlying mathematical theories in order to create new mathematical tools and models.
  3. training in the use of computational algorithms in solving mathematical problems arising from applications.
  4. the production of relevant and substantial research works in various fields of applied mathematics and their applications that would possibly lead to published works in peer-reviewed scientific journals.