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Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

The B.S. Mathematics program aims to produce graduates who are well-adapted to both research and industry careers. The program also aims to enable graduates to better connect mathematics to other disciplines and equip them with the theories and tools for life-long learning. In particular, the program’s learning outcomes are as follows:

  1. Demonstrate mastery in the core areas of mathematics: algebra, analysis and geometry;
  2. Demonstrate skills in pattern recognition, generalization, abstraction, critical analysis, synthesis, problem-solving and rigorous argument;
  3. Develop an enhanced perception of the vitality and importance of mathematics in the modern world;
  4. Demonstrate knowledge in reading and writing mathematical proofs;
  5. Validate their own mathematical thinking thru conjectures and arguments;
  6. Communicate mathematical ideas orally and in writing using clear and precise language; and
  7. Carry out basic mathematical and statistical computations and use appropriate technologies in the analysis of data.

The courses in the B.S. Mathematics curriculum address both cognitive and content goals that gradually and intentionally lead students from basic to advanced levels of critical and analytical thinking. Cognitive goals are not achieved in a rigid specification of a set of courses. They are instead approached within the context of each student’s maturation throughout the student’s undergraduate years. The curriculum is designed such that a B.S. Mathematics student has a balance between their major courses and general education and elective courses. This enables the students to be well-rounded throughout his/her study.