Home / Programs / Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
The B.S. Mathematics program aims to produce graduates who are well-adapted to both research and industry careers. The program also aims to enable graduates to better connect mathematics to other disciplines and equip them with the theories and tools for life-long learning. In particular, the program’s learning outcomes are as follows:
- Demonstrate mastery in the core areas of mathematics: algebra, analysis and geometry;
- Demonstrate skills in pattern recognition, generalization, abstraction, critical analysis, synthesis, problem-solving and rigorous argument;
- Develop an enhanced perception of the vitality and importance of mathematics in the modern world;
- Demonstrate knowledge in reading and writing mathematical proofs;
- Validate their own mathematical thinking thru conjectures and arguments;
- Communicate mathematical ideas orally and in writing using clear and precise language; and
- Carry out basic mathematical and statistical computations and use appropriate technologies in the analysis of data.
The courses in the B.S. Mathematics curriculum address both cognitive and content goals that gradually and intentionally lead students from basic to advanced levels of critical and analytical thinking. Cognitive goals are not achieved in a rigid specification of a set of courses. They are instead approached within the context of each student’s maturation throughout the student’s undergraduate years. The curriculum is designed such that a B.S. Mathematics student has a balance between their major courses and general education and elective courses. This enables the students to be well-rounded throughout his/her study.
Admission into the Program
New Incoming Freshmen
A new incoming freshman must qualify for admission into U.P. Diliman thru the U.P. College Admission Test (UPCAT) and must make it to the B.S. Mathematics cut-off in Math. More information here.
Admission into the program, in any case, shall be dependent on the availability of slots in the program and the current resources of the institute.
Undergraduate Transfer Student
All applicants for transfer to the B.S. Mathematics program shall be accepted and processed only for the first semester of each academic year through the Office of the College Secretary, College of Science. For more information, please visit the Undergraduate Student Guide (under Shifting & Transferring) of the College of Science website.
The Institute of Mathematics shall consider only the applications of students who have satisfied applicable University and College Rules on admission of transfer students.
Program Curriculum
Curriculum Checklist
You can download a copy of the Curriculum Checklist here.
First Year
1st Semester |
19 units |
2nd Semester |
16 units |
GE 1: Philo 1 |
3 |
GE 4: Eng 13 |
3 |
GE 2: Fil 40 |
3 |
Math 22 |
4 |
GE 3: KAS 1 |
3 |
Math 108 |
4 |
Math 21* |
4 |
Physics 71 |
4 |
CS 11 |
3 |
Physics 71.1 |
1 |
Stat 101 |
3 |
P.E. |
(2) |
P.E. |
(2) |
Second Year
1st Semester |
17 units |
2nd Semester |
18 units |
GE 5: ARTS 1 |
3 |
GE 6: Speech 30 |
3 |
Math 23 |
4 |
GE 7: Soc Sci 1 / Soc Sci 2 |
3 |
Math 110.1 |
3 |
Math 110.2 |
3 |
Math 140 |
3 |
Math 122 |
3 |
Physics 72 |
4 |
Math 123.1 |
3 |
P.E. |
(2) |
Math 117 |
3 |
(3) |
P.E. |
(2) |
(3) |
Third Year
1st Semester |
18 units |
2nd Semester |
17 units |
GE 8: STS 1 |
3 |
GE 9: GE Course in S&T6 |
3 |
Math 110.3 |
3 |
Math 128 |
3 |
Math 123.2 |
3 |
Math 150.2 |
3 |
Math 150.1 |
3 |
Math 171 |
3 |
Math Elective4 |
3 |
Math 190 |
2 |
Elective3 |
3 |
Elective3 |
3 |
Fourth Year
1st Semester |
18 units |
2nd Semester |
15 units |
Math 133 |
3 |
GE 10: GE Course6 |
3 |
Math 142 |
3 |
Math Elective4 |
3 |
Math 2005 |
3 |
Math Elective4 |
3 |
Geometry Elective2 |
3 |
Foreign Language II1 |
3 |
PI 100 |
3 |
Elective3 |
3 |
Foreign Language I1 |
3 |
1 Six (6) units of the same Foreign Language course except English
2 Math 146 or Math 147 or Math 148
3 To be approved by adviser; MATH 10 may be taken as a free elective provided it is taken during the first year
4 Any Math elective (upon approval by adviser) including Math 146, Math 147 and Math 148
5 Math 200 requires oral presentation and submission of bound copies and softcopy of the thesis manuscript
6 Any GE course except MATH 10 or Math 2
* All students required to take Math 21 must have passed any of the following: (1) High School Basic Calculus from the STEM or equivalent strand of K-12; (2) the Validation Examination for Math 20 (Pre-Calculus: Functions and their Graphs) administered by the UPD Institute of Mathematics; or (3) Math 20 as a non-credit course.
Note: As a requirement for graduation, all students must take six (6) units in one of the following National Service Training Program (NSTP) components: Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Service (LTS), and Reserved Officer’s Training Corps Military Science (ROTC Mil Sci). These are offered by UPD.
The University regularly reviews course curricula and may revise them. Students admitted into this program shall follow the existing curriculum until such time that a new curriculum replacing it has been duly approved for implementation. All courses prescribed and taken under this existing curriculum shall be credited under the new curriculum.
Curriculum Map

Program Retention Rules
The student must be enlisted in at least one math subject in the curriculum every regular term/semester, unless the student has already finished the required math subjects. However, if a student really feels that the program is not for him/her, the student should file an “Intent to Shift Form” to deviate from the BS Math curriculum and enroll in other subjects that he/she might need for shifting.
For Students Who Need to Take Math 20
The student shall be dismissed from the program if he/she does not pass Math 20 within two (2) enrollments.
For Lower Division Mathematics Subjects (Math 21, 22, 23 and 108)
The student remains in the program for as long as the following conditions are met:
- The student passed the same course in at most 2 takes.
- The student has finished all such courses within 6 terms (including midyear) of enrollment since admission into the program. For shiftees/transferees, if he/she has finished Math 21, he/she will be given 4 terms; if he/she has finished Math 22, he/she will be given 3 terms; and if he/she has finished Math 23, he/she is given 2 terms.
- The student has an average of at least 3.0 in all such subjects upon completion.
If any of the conditions is not satisfied, the student shall be dismissed from the program.
For Upper Division Mathematics Subjects (Math 110.1 and Above, Excluding Math 190 and Math 200)
The student remains in the program for as long as the following conditions are met:
- The student passed the same course in at most 3 takes.
- The student has an average of at least 3.0 in all math subjects taken per academic year.
- The student passed the minimum number of math subjects enrolled in an academic year based on the following table.
Total number of 3-unit math subjects enrolled in an academic year |
Minimum number of math subjects to pass |
2 or 3 |
2 |
4 or 5 |
3 |
6 or 7 |
4 |
8 or 9 |
5 |
10 or more |
6 |
If any of the conditions is not satisfied, the student shall be dismissed from the program.
Appeals Upon Dismissal
Students dismissed from the program may appeal for readmission. Dismissed students must write a letter of appeal to the Institute Director with a copy of his/her academic records.
Registration Matters
Registration Process
For information on shifting/transferring, registration, and other processes (dropping, appeals, etc.), refer to the Undergraduate Student Guide from the UPD College of Science website.
Program Advisers
For students admitted to the BS Math program, please contact your program advisers listed below for your registration concerns.
Downloadable Forms and Document Requests
Please visit the Undergraduate Student Guide (under Online Processing / Other Forms) from the UPD College of Science website.