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Master of Arts (Mathematics)

The Master of Arts in Mathematics program is intended primarily for teachers or would-be teachers of secondary and tertiary mathematics courses. This program is intended to those whose undergraduate preparation was not really a BS Mathematics degree but would like to teach, seeking a “mathematics content” (as opposed to a “teaching methods”) master’s degree program.

The MA Math program aims to provide the students:

  1. a deeper understanding in the core areas of mathematics: algebra, analysis, and geometry that will enable them to teach mathematics in high school or college.
  2. demonstration of skills in pattern recognition, generalization, critical analysis, synthesis, and problem-solving.
  3. understanding of the importance of mathematics in the modern world including inter-relationships within math and its connection to other disciplines.
  4. an appreciation of the concept and role of proof and reasoning and demonstrate knowledge in reading and writing mathematical proofs.
  5. skills in communicating mathematical ideas orally and in writing using clear and precise language.