Home / Faculty / Lope, Jose Ernie

Lope, Jose Ernie

RoomMath Building 237

Research Interests
partial differential equations, mathematical modeling, applications of mathematics in the life and physical sciences
  • Education
    • Ph.D. in Mathematics (2001)
      Sophia University

      Dissertation: Unique solvability and related results in linear Fuchsian partial differential equations
      Adviser: Hidetoshi Tahara

    • M.S. in Mathematics (1998)
      Sophia University

      Thesis: Aru shu no Fuchs-gata senkei henbibun houteishiki no kai no sonzai to ichiisei (Existence and uniqueness of solutions of a type of Fuchsian linear partial differential equations)
      Adviser: Hidetoshi Tahara

    • B.S. in Mathematics (1994), summa cum laude
      University of the Philippines Diliman

      Thesis: A numerical validation of Feigenbaum's constant
      Adviser: Romeo L. Manlapaz