Home / Faculty / Angeles, Gervy Marie

Angeles, Gervy Marie

Assistant Professor
RoomMath Building 220

Research Interests
PDE models for biological applications
  • Education
    • Doktorin der Naturwissenschaften (Dr.rer.nat.) (Mathematik) (2023)
      University of Vienna, Austria

      Dissertation: Short Filament Approximation to Lamellipodium Dynamics [ Link: https://utheses.univie.ac.at/detail/66354 ]
      Adviser: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian Schmeiser

    • Master of Science in Mathematics (2018)
      University of the Philippines Baguio

      Thesis: Linear Hyperbolic Systems of Partial Differential Equations on an Interval
      Adviser: Prof. Gilbert R. Peralta, Dr. rer. nat.

    • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (2014), cum laude
      University of the Philippines Baguio