Workshops / Schools
SEAMS School 2022 on Modern Trends in Signal and Data Processing
This international research school is organized by the Optimization and Approximation Group of the Institute of Mathematics. It is primarily intended for advanced undergraduate students, master’s students, and early Ph.D. students, but advanced Ph.D. students and Ph.D. holders are also welcome. Its aim is to introduce the participants to some current trends in signal and… Continue reading
CIMPA 2022: Introduction to Galois Representations and Modular Forms and their Computational Aspects
A CIMPA research school on Galois representations and modular forms will be held at the Institute of Mathematics, UP Diliman from January 10 to January 21, 2022. Registration is free. For more information and registration, please visit The registration deadline is on September 19, 2021. Please send all inquiries to