SEAMS School 2020
SEAMS School 2020 on Modern Trends in Signal and Data Processing
This international research school is organized by the Optimization and Approximation Group of the Institute of Mathematics. It is primarily intended for advanced undergraduate students, master’s students, and early Ph.D. students, but advanced Ph.D. students and Ph.D. holders are also welcome. Its aim is to introduce the participants to some current trends in signal and data processing, particularly on frames and its applications (fusion frames, and frames in time-frequency and time-scale analysis), compressed sensing, kernel methods, and optimization in learning.
It will be held on 07-15 July 2020 at the Institute of Mathematics, UP Diliman.
Registration is free. Limited slots only. Moreover, there will be financial support for airfare and/or accommodation for a LIMITED number of participants from developing countries in Southeast Asia, and nearby regions.
For more information and to register for the workshop, please visit: