International Mathematical Union (Commission for Developing Countries)
Established in 2011 the Commission for Developing Countries (CDC) is a commission of the International Mathematical Union (IMU). Since the early 1970s, the IMU has maintained a program of cooperation with and in support of mathematical institutions and individual mathematicians in the developing world. Support activities include research travel and conference grants, as well as volunteer lectures, joint research projects and donations.

The International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
The International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) is a worldwide organisation for professional applied mathematics societies, and for other societies with a significant interest in industrial or applied mathematics. The Council works to advance the applications of mathematics in all parts of the world.

Office of Naval Research Global, US Department of the Navy
The Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) is the international presence for the Chief of Naval Research. It actively searches the globe for promising, emerging science and technology (S&T) to effectively address the current needs of the Naval Fleet and Marine Corps Forces, and seeks opportunities to collaborate on S&T of mutual benefit to the U.S. and foreign researchers.
Dr. Richard Yamada
Science Director
Office of Naval Research Global – Tokyo, Japan
Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) International Science Program Overview

Mathematical Society of the Philippines
The Mathematical Society of the Philippines is the Philippines’ premier professional organization dedicated to the promotion of mathematics research and education in the country. Founded in 1973, it has grown from a small Manila-based group of math educators to a nation-wide network of individuals, with chapters in the three island groups of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The MSP has represented the country in the International Mathematical Union since 1978.

Office of International Linkages, UP System
The Office of International Linkages UP System is mandated to identify and explore areas of cooperation and linkages with institutions abroad. It promotes international academic and research collaboration with partner universities through student and faculty exchange, joint research, network participation, sharing of educational resources, and other international academic and research activities. The office is engaged in the initiation, planning, implementation, and monitoring of linkage activities.